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Can your products interfere with my medication?Updated 7 days ago

Every single ingredient in our All-in-One Superfood Shake comes from natural and real foods that are found in nature! Since our products also don't contain any medicinal ingredients or any supplements, they won't interfere with any of your medications! 

I can assure you that we're obsessed with providing the best and highest-quality ingredients, ensuring that all of our meticulously selected and analyzed ingredients are 100% vegan, non-GMO, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and free of anything artificial!

That said, we always recommend consulting a healthcare professional before trying any new natural products, just to be 100% certain our products are right for you!

We also recommend checking out the complete list of ingredients and nutritional values, as displayed on each product page. To view them, simply scroll down. Check out our Creamy Vanilla All-in-One Superfood Shake, for example:

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