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Everything you need to know if you have specific allergies

Are your products safe for those who are allergic to dairy or eggs?

All of our products are completely plant-based which means they’re totally dairy-free and egg-free. Even though these products don’t contain dairy or eggs, the facility that we use for production isn’t certified as being completely plant-based, so th

Are your products safe for those who have a gluten allergy?

All of our products and ingredients are certified 100% gluten-free, in addition to being completely plant-based. While none of our products contain gluten, the production facility that we use isn’t certified gluten-free. All of our equipment — and th

Are your products safe for those with pea protein allergies?

Some of them are, but not all. Our All-in-One Superfood Shake contains a protein blend that includes yellow pea protein, which, unfortunately, makes it unsuitable for those with a pea protein allergy. The good news is that we have four other function

Are your products nut-free?

If you haven’t read it yet, you can check out our allergen statement here. As a food company, the safety and quality of our products are our top priorities. In accordance with Health Canada’s food safety standards, we’ve implemented strict protocols